Erik Satie Gnossienne 1 performed by the Steinway Artist Alessio Nanni, piano, Italy.
Erik Satie is one of the most genius in the music history.
Satie’s coining of the word “gnossienne“ was one of the rare occasions when a composer used a new term to indicate a new “type“ of composition. Satie had and would use many novel names for his compositions (“vexations“, “croquis et agaceries“ and so on). “Ogive,“ for example, had been the name of an architectural element until Satie used it as the name for a composition, the Ogives. “Gnossienne,“ however, was a word that did not exist before Satie used it as a title for a composition. The word appears to be derived from “gnosis“; Satie was involved in gnostic sects and movements at the time that he began to compose the Gnossiennes.[citation needed] However, some published versions claim[citation needed] that the word derives from Cretan “knossos“ or “gnossus“ and link
1 view
3 months ago 00:04:21 1
Magical - Erik Satie’s “Gnossienne 1“ for koto, electric bass, vibraphone & flute
4 months ago 00:00:00 2
Eric Satie — 3 Gymnopédies. Performed by Anton Khazipov.
5 months ago 00:18:01 1
Мистики среди композиторов. Моцарт, Бетховен, Вагнер, Эрик Сати, Скрябин, Дебюсси.
5 months ago 00:05:18 1
Эрик Сати “Распорядок дня музыканта“ из “Заметки млекопитающего“.
5 months ago 00:08:06 1
Музыка, которую не слушают. Эрик Сати про поклонение и рабство. Лучше хейтер, чем надзиратель.