Man chokes out a Pitbull to save a woman!!!

#pitbull #pitbullattack #abpt Man who choked out a pitbull to protect a woman. A lot of people don’t know what to do when a dog attacks another dog or human. The process of breaking up a dog fight or if the dog hold on to something is fairly straightforward, but a lot of people struggle cause they don’t know these tricks, In the case of a dog who has latched on to another dog or human, it’s vital that you release the dog’s grip before attempting to pull it away, otherwise you risk injuring the other dog or human further. The first step you can take is by sliding a break stick as close to the back of the throat as possible and twist. This will force them to release their grip. Another way to break up dog’s grip is by pouring water down its nostrils. This makes it hard for the dog to breath through the nose and eventually it’ll release the bite. Another technique that people use is to pull back on their collars to choke them, which make them release the bite. And if
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