queen from deltarune 2 raps

Kris Stop Freestyling And Get The Banana genuinely, thanks for sticking with me and this channel. I’m no longer in high school with all the time in the world to work on goofy edits anymore. a lot of huge life changes have happened to me since february/march and the release of MMM5. because of deltarune, the creation of this video, and other recent sources of inspiration, my love for creating weird niche music edits and similarly dense videos has been rekindled. for a while, I was working on a lot of big projects for “Galactic Hole Season 4“ that I felt creatively unsatisfied by (which I still may explore eventually), but I hope to be doing more here with the re-found interest in what y’all know me for. a huge amount of love went into this project and I think it’s just the first step to all of the music and videos I want to be able to create. crazy how a video like this exists compared to where I was at 5 years ago when undertale was constantly on my mind and I was stiffly working in audacity and windows movi
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