A ten-year-old girl won gold in a strong woman contest against ADULTS | SWNS

Meet the ten-year-old girl who won a gold medal in a strong-woman contest against adults last weekend, and can pull a two-tonne transit van for ten metres. Aeryn-Ejjina Atkinson won her gold as the lightest person to shift the most kilos compared to body weight in a movement called the silver dollar lift. She also brought home one other medal and a trophy from the push, pull, move contest in Gloucester on Sunday August 22. The young olympic dreamer, weighing 32 kilos, was one of only two competitors able to lift three times their own bodyweight in the UK-wide event: her first-ever lifting competition. Aeryn, from Telford West Midlands said: “I feel proud. “and I’m excited for my next competition. “I dream of being in the olympics, but I didn’t think I’d be doing this at age ten. “I wasn’t expecting to get into strong woman but once I saw it I knew it was my thing.” Determined Aeryn built herself a barbell out of lego aged seven when dad Craig, 40, and admin-worker mum Melody, 41, said she wasn’t allow
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