The British Legion Aka Profile Of Remembrance - The British Legion (1968)

Various locations. A man on motorbike learning streets around London - trainee taxi driver. Black cab manoeuvring in a street instructed by elderly man. This is British Legion taxi drivers school in action. Several shots of Whitehall Cenotaph - man takes his bowler off as he passes. A girl collecting for poppy appeal - money needed for support of Legion’s various activities. Several C/U shots of cacti. British Legion President, Sir Oliver Leese appears surrounded by cacti - he talks about organisation’s support of the disabled survivors of not only the two world wars but more recent conflicts as well (Malaysia, Cyprus, Korea). He talks about Legion’s activities. A short sequence featuring youngsters at Outward Bound school (canoeing, rock climbing, hiking etc.). Legion pays for ex-servicemen children’s fees. Old man in uniform directs visitors at Wimbledon - he is from Legion’s company of Attendants. Several shots of old men making poppies at poppy factory in Richmond. Cut to a Cambrian tweed
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