Boxing - Sneyers Wins Again (1954)

Brussels, Belgium. LV fight under way. SV Belgian Jean Sneyers with white stripe on trunks leads with a left. French, Jacques Dumesnil counters with a quick left and right to body. SCU audience. SV Sneyers against ropes swings Dumesnil round and forces him through ropes. Referee helps Dumesnil to untangle. SV crowd. SV both boxers exchange blows and tie up. Sneyers is quick to cover up when Dumesnil looks threatening. SV both boxers swap punches in a flurry of lefts and rights, they disengage. Dumesnil fails to connect with a left hook Sneyers counters with a right to head, a left to jaw and both boxers tie up in corner. SCU crowd. SV Sneyers lands with a couple of solid punches, whilst Dumesnil flicks out an ineffectual left, they maul in centre with Dumesnil roughing Sneyers face with glove. SCU Georges Carpentier looking on. SV Sneyers dashing in throwing lefts and rights Dumesnil hangs on grimly. Referee steps in to break them, but Sneyers carries on. SV boxers parting. SV Sneyers bleeding over eye as
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