Demonstration In Athens At Proclamation Of Republic (1924)

Demonstration in Athens at Proclamation of Republic. Greece. Demonstrations in Athens; Greece at proclamation of republic; 1924. Crowd in front of Chamber of Deputes. People holding up large pictures of leaders. Another view; a sea of people pushing & jostling; both civilians & soldiers; difficult to tell what exactly is going on. Automobile slowly squeezes through crowd; driven by a soldier w/ a man in a great black head-dress sitting next to him. Next; Greek Army demonstration of sorts: pan over a large crowd of soldiers. MCU General Papanastassiou removes royal emblem from his hat and replaces it w/ an emblem of the republic. Pan over soldiers again. Then shot of some soldiers marching past other soldiers and civilians. 2 others follow riding horses King George II had left in 1923. Pavlos Koumoundouros; who had served as Regent in place of the King; was elected first President of Greece by Constituent Assembly. Rallies; government; politics. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR
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