Todd V Programs Q&A with Todd and James 04/17/22 Пикап тодд mentoring program
(1:11) Only one webinar this week? Can we get a make-up one?
(1:45) Girl from daygame or online, calls me out after seeing stories of me with other girls (after adding her on IG) Is this a shit test or comfort test? How to pass?
(5:30) Any strategies on how to not be boring in set without looking like you’re supplicating by trying to not bore her, and being a dancing monkey?
(7:22) In day game. how do make girls feel serendipitous (happened by accident), rather than contrived or manipulative?
(11:03) What could I do wrong if I’m getting shit tests all the time and how to fix that? You said ideally you shouldn’t get them in the first place.
(14:07) If gamey moves are the spices of the meal, what’s the meat of the meal? I mean what are the main components of conversation, and how to improve?
(17:01) What are ways to signal to girls I’m not boyfriend material and only good for sex? (watched JP infield from the system) They fall in with me before the date, less comfort?
(20:12) How to deal with things in set that are out of your control such as not flinching?
(24:45) When following up on a number I’ve found this to work best:
- 18-25 years old, within a few hours.
- 28-35 years old, wait 3-5 days.
Do you always follow up quickly?
(32:17) It’s 6 am in Sydney but I’m still here.
(32:32) Yesterday I opened a 3 set (2 girls /1 guy). Turns out the dude had just approached the girls just before me and he was extremely drunk. I spoke to the girls while trying to ignore the dude as much as possible, but he stayed on the set and was very obnoxious. After about ten minutes the girls left to get away from him and they told me they’d see me later. How could I have dealt with the drunk dude in a better?
(37:05) (In response to it just happened question)
Notice the phrasing “I was just going to go get a quick coffee.“ If you said a false time constraint on your opener like: “I was just getting a coffee and I saw you“ - Watchout it can create an odd vibe.
(39:00) The feedback I got from Todd was I am 90% game and delivery was robotic like I was running an algorithm. I suck at small talk and I’m not good at being empathetic with people and relating to them. My limiting belief is my normal conversation is not interesting and people would reject me.
(42:07) Follow up - If you’re posting stories of yourself with other girls (i.e making out at parties, going on dates with different girls). Isn’t that a good way to signal to other girls what kind of guy you are and how to categorize you? (Lover, not provider)
(44:34) Have you guys read the Art of Love by Ovid where he basically advocates for a non-monogamous relationship structure but the general perception and agreement is that of monogamy? So we agree we like each other and are “faithful“ but he has a chapter specifically advising men to cheat (in a tongue-in-cheek way) and he takes women “seeing“ other guys, if not sleeping with them, for granted across most of the book.
(45:29) How can you frame the number close such that she won’t feel she is easy / slutty in front of her friends?
(48:14) What about girls 10-18?
(48:32) Would like to know more about the approach to anxiety beginner missions. Why are they in that specific order, what kind of things to talk about with hired guns like at target, and mission #7 when asking for a number is there some convo before asking for a number or just asking for the number?
(51:05) First Student asked a live question: First thing is I filled up the 3-month Roadmap but I didn’t get any feedback from you or I don’t know if you sent something to me, where it is. I filled it up in January.
(51:59) I’ve lived in Canada for 10 years. It’s clear from moment one that when I talk I’m a foreigner because my accent or even my body language may be different. What should I work on to make myself interesting?
(54:47) (Student follow-up question) But a foreigner from the US is very different than a foreigner from let’s say India because there is a big cultural gap.
(57:30) Todd, if you pin your own camera, it’s the only one it will show up in the recording, even when there are other speakers on.
(57:58) Asking for direction literally works! I’ve approached over 50 girls now within 3 days. Just asking “Excuse me do you know where a Mcdonald’s is?“.
(59:39) I told a girl she’s trouble. She told all girls at the bar to avoid me. How do I pass that? Her boyfriend wanted to fight me. How do I backtrack?
(1:00:25) The second student asked a live question: (Follow up) before I told her she’s trouble, I think her friend pushed someone away. I think he groped her or something and then her friend pushed her away which I in reaction to only one thing I said and I didn’t know what happened.
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