Video by Shubkhangadas Zhaxymbetov

Many who are attracted to the aspect of the Divine known as Ma Kali, Nataraja, Bhairava or even Gopala will sooner or later come across the narrative that the worship of these aspects is a closed practice that only certain groups of people have access too and that if you attempt it, you might incur harm. What’s that about? Is there something to this idea? Over the weekend, I visited Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati at the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach and I discussed these ideas with revered Swamiji. I pass on to you now some the ideas he so graciously shared with me! In this short discussion, we make a few remarks distinguishing the Bhakti practice, which is open to one and all even without initiation, vs a Tantrik Sadhana, which requires Diksha, initiation. Also, we say a few things about the commercialisation and commodification of Ma Kali in modern new age circles. You can watch an abbreviated Tantrik ritual worship of Ma Kali here:
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