Greek Troops Move To The Front (1948)

Greece. MS. Trucks and artillery going along a road. Various shots of the Greek infantry moving across country studded with scrubby bushes. LS. Back view of troops entering a landing craft. LS. Troops lined up. MS. Women handing parcels to the troops. MS. Troops opening parcels showing knitted socks and other presents. More shots of embarkation onto landing craft. Various shots of the infantry moving over open country and down a hillside, they rest before continuing. LS. A class of girl students in Salonika knitting comforts for the troops in classroom. Various shots of group of housewives squatting on the doorstep of a house, knitting. More shots of embarkation onto landing craft. A mule being pushed onto a craft. MS. Communist prisoners having their handcuffs taken off. More shots of embarkation onto landing craft. Several shots of landing craft moving off. LS. Harbour. Various shots of the men at meeting, dark shots, unclear where and why. MS. Soldiers loaded with equipment passing camera. They
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