Biden hails ‘China’ instead of Canada in Ottawa gaffe —pulls punch on fentanyl | New York Post

President Biden on Friday accidentally praised “China” when he meant to say Canada during a speech to parliament members in Ottawa — just moments after he conspicuously failed to identify China when discussing fentanyl smuggling. “Today, I applaud China for stepping up,” the 80-year-old president said, before halting and adding, “excuse me, I applaud Canada.” Biden quickly added, “You can tell what I’m thinking about China. I won’t get into that yet.” The US leader made the error while discussing how Canada’s government agreed to accept more migrants from Latin American countries — immediately after not mentioning China at all while discussing fentanyl, which is driving a surge in US overdose deaths. “We’re tackling the scourge of synthetic drugs that are devastating Canada and American communities, particularly our young people. Fentanyl is a killer and almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by this — lost a child or lost a friend,” Biden said of the lethal drug.
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