Rhythmic sound design with SNAP HEAP + 30 FREE Plugins
Today we’ll play with rhythm, and we’ll do some fun rhythmic sound design with a plugin called SNAP HEAP. You will also learn about 30 free plugins which you should download ASAP!
Get SNAP HEAP (Affiliate link):
Get 30 FREE plugins Kilohearts Essentials:
If you follow my channel you know I often use Bitwig Studio when I create electronic music.
Bitwig has a modular system which makes it perfect for creating beautiful evolving sound scapes.
The other day I was working on this chill hybrid track in Logic Pro, and while Logic is also a great DAW. It’s slightly limited when it comes to modulation, especially when compared to Bitwig.
So I thought, why not give Snap Heap from Kilohearts a try.
In short Snap Heap, is a modular snap-in host plugin for creating effect chains.
Watch the video to see this wonder