Seinfeld and Friends - The Mohel

Seinfeld and Friends - The Mohel From the script: “MOHEL Hello, hello, I’m the mohel. It’s very nice to meet you all... A PAN CLANGS TO THE GROUND. THE MOHEL SNAPS. MOHEL (CONT’D) Oh! What was that?!? Jeez. Scared the hell out of me. My god. I almost had a heart attack! THE CROWD GROWS UNEASY. MOHEL (CONT’D) (CALMING DOWN) Alright I’m fine, I’m fine. Anyway, we’re here to perform the mitzvah of the bris and... SFX: BABY CRYING MOHEL (CONT’D) (WITH INCREASING TENSION) ...Is the baby gonna cry like that? Is that how the baby cries, with the loud, sustained, squealing cry, ’cause that could pose a problem. Do you have any control of your child ’cause this is the time to exercise it when baby is crying in that high-pitched, squealing tone that can drive you insane?!!! MRS. FLICK TAKES THE BABY INT OTHER ROOM
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