Dan Howls - King Si (Official UNCENSORED Music Video)

Dan Howls - King Si (Official Music Video) #TheYellowking #thekinginyellow #Carcosa Director/Editor/Production Designer: Emile M Smith Directors of Photography: Dion Borrett & Dan Holliday Band Members: Dan Howls, Julia Yemaya, Blake hart, Callum Adcock, Ben Power. Cast: Imogen Rose Flint, Declan O’Connor, Oscar Harrold-Lhost, Mason Duncan, Megan Brown & Tamika Taylor. Special Thanks to: Johnny Ma, Ish Marington, Tarek Routledge, David Duong & Ayano Suzuki:) CLICK THE LINK for Dan Howls Spotify (Shot on a Blackmagic Ursa.) Strange is the night where black stars rise, and strange moons circle through the skies, but stranger still is lost Carcosa; homeland of King Si - The Yellow King. ABOUT MY CHANNEL I am a filmmaker aspiring to break into an extremely competitive industry. Like a sperm swimming upstream vying to be the one that penetrates the egg. Though I will never stop swimming since I have an overwh
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