35 min COMPACT Full body RESISTANCE BAND workout | No Attaching | + ABS

In this 35 min COMPACT Full body RESISTANCE BAND workout | No Attaching | ABS, We will have two blocks with 7 movements each, for a total of two rounds. Each movement will be performed for 40 seconds, followed by a 20-second rest in between. After the first round, there will be a 30-second rest. At the end of the second block there will be a quick abdominal circuit with 5 exercises in a row. The bands you choose for each movement will significantly impact the intensity of the workout. Therefore, challenge yourself by selecting weights that are appropriate for each exercise. The resistance band that I am using are: Hardest Band (Black color on the screen) (22.7–68 kg) Hard Band (Red color on the screen) (18–36 kg) Medium Band (yellow color on the screen) (13.6–27.2 kg) Light Band (Green color on the screen) (6.8–15.9 kg) You can Simply increase the intensity of this workout by using thicker Bands . The Gear that I am using:
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