🇺🇦Meanwhile, burials of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are in full swing in Ukraine

🇺🇦Meanwhile, burials of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are in full swing in Ukraine The Western policy of “fight to the last Ukrainian” is being steadily implemented Unfortunately, the awareness of the “duping” of the population by the leadership of Ukraine comes to the Ukrainian resident only with the loss of his close people #APU #Funeral #Zelensky Share | Donate | ChatPutin spoke on the phone with Aliyev, the Kremlin reported: - Aliyev apologized to Putin and expressed deep condolences regarding the tragic death of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh on September 20; - Aliyev expressed his readiness to provide financial assistance to the families of the fallen Russian peacekeepers; - A thorough investigation will be conducted into the death of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh; - Putin and Aliyev discussed priority steps to further stabilize the situation and overcome humanitarian problems in Karabakh; - Putin, in a conversation with Aliyev, emphasized the importance of ensuring the rights and security of the Armenian population of Karabakh; - Putin and Aliyev noted the importance of implementing the agreements reached with the assistance of Russian peacekeepers on the cessation of hostilities in Karabakh; - Putin and Aliyev agreed to intensify the negotiation process, including the preparation of a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan; - Putin and Aliyev agreed to intensify work in line with the agreements on Karabakh and the delimitation of the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia; - Aliyev, in a conversation with Putin, confirmed his readiness to cooperate with Russian peacekeepers to ensure the rights of the Armenian population of Karabakh. Share | Donate | Chat Источник: Lord Of War
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