How To Apply Nano Mold Coating 2017

- How To apply Nano Mold Coating. Nanoplas is known throughout the world for their one-of-a-kind Nano Mold Coatings. There are three types of coatings in the nano mold coating family. HC, HCF and QC. HC and HCF, the food grade alternative of HC, are applied in the tool room at room temperature. The QC family of products, QC, QCR and QCS are applied in the press on a hot mold. Cleaning the substrate is the most critical part of the application process. If the substrate is not clean, the coating will not bond well to the surface. The cleaning process is the same for all the coatings. Begin by pre-cleaning the surfaces with a mold cleaner/degreaser. Nanoplas Mold Brite and Power Clean are excellent choices for this part of the process. Remove all surface debris and any oils, lubricants and rust preventatives from the pores and crevices of the mold.
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