GODSTRONG Men’s Event | Azizullah Aziz

A message from Azizullah Aziz at the God Strong Men’s Event. Find out more about Aziz and the Mighty Oaks Foundation here: Find Chad Robichaux’s book, “Saving Aziz,“ here: Watch Pastor Allen’s exclusive interview with Chad Robichaux and Azizullah Aziz here: World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth. Learn more about World Outreach Church: Learn more about Pastor Allen Jackson: Find out more about what’s going on at the church on our eve
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