Sorath Enn Meditation, Demonic Brainwave & Invocation [AKA SWRT, The Sun-Demon]
Shamanic Black Magick meditation to invoke Sorath.
Contains Enochian rituals to cleanse the practicioner and their space to prepare for ritual works, protect against impostors, parasites and tricksters spirits, shield the practitionerentirely during the ritual works, directly invite spirit energies inside of the user, ultrasonic and subliminal enochian rites for the spirit, demonic brainwave inducement.
Enn channeled by our coven: KY-REH-SHA-HWAT
Try to repeat the Enn along with the video, intention is more important than pronunciation, it helps greatly.
Please use headphones or earphones, ensure you will not be disturbed whilst listening, do not listen while driving, operating heavy machinery or doing any other task which requires full focus.
Full focus should be on the meditation only for best results.
To contact us, our one and only email is CovenOfKolasi@