BOOKS: El Plastico, the Sun that lives inside the Rock

Created by Laumes (Goda Budvytytė and Viktorija Rybakova), the book El Plástico, the Sun that lives inside the Rock is an observation on the evolution of material plasticity; it is a story about plastic whose native land is Mesoamerica. It explores the past, present, and future of plastic through encounters with various people — a weaver from Oaxaca, a taxi driver, a sociologist working on trash collection in Mexico City, and the owner of a small family-run plastic factory. The book contains a polymorphous project resulting from several years of research by artist Viktorija Rybakova and designer Goda Budvytytė. It includes a conversation between philosophers Kristupas Sabolius and Catherine Malabou, as well as essays by Post Brothers and Chris Fitzpatrick. This book launch and wine reception includes a presentation by Laumes.
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