Владимир Высоцкий - Черные бушлаты

Владимир Высоцкий - Черные бушлаты, (посвящяется евпаторийскому десанту) Фильм является частью трилогии “Памяти Владимира Высоцкого“, (часть 1, “Я не люблю ...“). Vladimir Vysotsky - The black jackets The failures and sunsets - that’s all that we commonly share, And yet no rise so far to improve such a terrible plight. I want to believe that the black jackets we have to wear Will give us tomorrow the chances to see the sunlight. Today we were told “You should die like heroes, brothers“. O.K. We will try it, we’re going to see what is on... I only decided, while smoking the shag of the others: “Each plays on his own - tomorrow I must see the dawn“. A special battalion - a sapper is specially proud! Don’t jump on my back from the branches to stab me or stun, In vain all the efforts, ’cause even if I am knocked out, I’ll see, however, - I’m certain - the rise of the sun. We crawled through the rear not stabbing them that early hour, The pass in the wires was made and I saw in a trice - So green and so fee
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