The Dark Side Of Being a Lightworker

#Lightworker #Highlysensitiveperson #scapegoat Until we Empower the Healer within us, we can fall into some traps like taking on other people’s energy, self blame and giving up our own alignment to the opinions of others. If you are wanting to empower your own “wise guide inside“ and are ready to start or strengthen your SELF AWARENESS & SELF LOVE journey, please click the links below. EMOTIONAL REHAB 12 week online healing program Healing inner wounds & Toxic relationship dynamics for the last time. This course will go live Christmas Day and can be joined at anytime. For those who sign up before Christmas will receive my holiday discount plus a FREE 30 min. coaching session. *inner work *toxic relationship dynamics *self love issues *inner critic *attachment issues *becoming whole *heal your life - Live q&a’s - private facebook community - video lessons - healing techniques - guided meditations - writing exercises - journaling - HEAL UNWANTED PATTERNS NOW!
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