Water Courtyard House, Home Design with Expansive Landscaped Courtyard in Singapore

The Water Courtyard House was conceived as a house in a garden in land-scarce Singapore, with greenery and garden forming the heart and backdrop for the house. The building folds itself around a water courtyard and at the same time terraces back with roof gardens, such that even the bedrooms above, always have a view of greenery and roof gardens. One difficulty encountered at an early stage was the incorporation of an outdoor tennis court which consumed a large part of what would have been a garden. Hence we reasoned that as the garden courtyard was going to be smaller, then water should play an inherent role in that landscaping, as it would provide a stronger focal point for the main spaces of the house. It would also aid in passive cooling of the house when windows were open and the breeze could blow through. The water bodies in the courtyard are actually a swimming pool and a Koi Pond. They were treated with similar details and materials such that the 2 water bodies merge into one. T
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