Fritz Zuber-Buhler’s Academic Art

Fritz Zuber-Buhler (1822 – 1896) was a Swiss artist who painted in the style of Academic Classicism, born at Le Locle in Switzerland. Since its inception, the French academic system, which trained artists beginning at the most rudimentary level, had established itself as the most powerful artistic institution until the latter half of the nineteenth century. Artists trained in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts often found themselves continuing the stylistic tendencies of their masters, intrigued by the public and private prestige it had afforded them. This “academic” style, with its meticulous execution, perfectly composed compositions, classicizing tendencies, and reliance on pre-established and thus, acceptable themes, was created and perpetuated through an intricate system of artistic training under well-established and successful teachers, prestigious awards, and a rigidly juried Salon. Many of these artists were schooled in similar academic traditions and adhered to this style throughout their career, fin
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