Funeral Of Peter Of Serbia (1921)

Funeral of King Peter I Karageorgevich of Serbia (later Yugoslavia). People standing by tall fence, including woman in mourning wearing long black veil and men in military uniforms. CU elderly man with long white beard wearing many military decorations, he is surrounded by other men, both military and civilians (this man could possibly be Nikolai Pasic, the Serbian Prime Minister, who had supported the house of Karageorgevich in its accession to the throne). Funeral procession through the streets of Belgrade - magnificent parade of elaborately decorated trucks covered with flowers, crosses and streamers etc. Men in various uniforms, walking in the procession, carrying wreaths. Soldiers in procession. 2 guards walk on either side of a white horse, saddled but with no rider. More military personnel in parade, young women in uniform - schoolgirls? Groups of various religious officials, including Eastern Orthodox leaders. Flag-covered coffin on gun carriage. Pallbearers carry coffin up steps. Ame
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