The front lines in Eastern and Southern Ukraine are inflamed. Clashes continue along the entire contact line. As of July 26, the main hotspot of the war is in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Russian-led forces are attempting to advance towards the cities of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk where the decisive battle for the Donbass will take place. In recent days, Russian, DPR and LPR units claimed new gains. The battle for Bakhmut is approaching. On the morning of July 26, the first reports from the front lines confirmed that the town of Pokrovskoe located on the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut came under Russian control. After intense battles, Russian assault groups and DPR Cossac units repelled Ukrainian forces from their military positions in the northern districts of the town. As a result of the advance, Russian-led forces threaten Ukrainian positions in the city of Bakhmut. The Russians have also launched an assault on the town Bakhmutsky from their positions Pokrovskoe and Vladimirovka located nearby. Bakhmutsky is the “gateway” to Soledar. Clashes also continue in the northern part of the village of Stryapovka and on the adjacent heights. The village of Novoluganskoye located on the western shore of the reservoir of the Uglegorskaya power plant was completely blocked on July 26. Russian mop up operations continue on the streets. Ukrainian forces have almost retreated. However, the Russian advance is slowed down by heavily mined roads. Battle for the Uglegorskaya thermal power plant, which was declared on July 25, continues. The plant is currently still under control of Ukrainian forces. Fighting for control of the facility is complicated by the threat of any incidents or provocations. In the Seversky region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are heavily shelling the advancing enemy troops in the area of Berestovoye and Belogorovka. While the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fighting with foreign weapons supplied by Kiev’s Western Allies, Russia may reportedly get military aid from Iran. According to unconfirmed reports, Iran has sold a certain number of its Shahed 129 UAVs to Russia. For the first time, the claims were made by representatives of Washington. However, both the Russian and Iranian sides did not confirm any information on such agreements. Meanwhile, IL-76 cargo aircraft loaded with unknown cargo from Iran continue to arrive at airports near Moscow. Iranian strike UAVs like the Shahed 129, can significantly expand the capabilities of the Russian military. Such drones can be adapted to the requirements of the Russian army, and drones will be able to deliver heavy strikes with cruise missiles at very long distances.
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