PNSO New 2021 Nanotyrannus “Logan” Review!! Juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex Prehistoric Animal Models #49

Well the #PNSO #Tyrannosaurus family is now complete. Still odd they called this #Nanotyrannus. It’s just an ok figure like Andrea. The paint is boring and unoriginal. Just copy and pasted Carcharodontosaurus color schem onto it. Biggest issue is the price. $30 is way too much for what you get. We’ve gotten much bigger figures for less from them. #dinosaur Purchase on Amazon: PNSO Prehistoric Dinosaur Models:49 Logan The Nanotyrannus =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XP34RA897R0FJYKR5T49 Follow me on Instagram:
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