"The King and the God" - Proto-Indo-European spoken

An attempt to read EIEC’s 2013 translation of “The King and the God.“ I am not a PIE scholar! My literal-ordered translation is not that accurate. I messed up the palatals! I know! Argh This was my first video, so there are some mistakes. English translation errors: “What willest thee“ (not 3rd person “willeth“), and “I will (for) a son.“ m-dot and n-dot are in fact syllabic resonants and not voiceless, (I’m too used to IPA, where they represent de-voicing).. I pronounced “ǵ“ and “ḱ“ incorrectly. Most likely palatalized [gj] / [kj]. Some of the vocalic resonants (with circle underneath), I pronounced as de-voiced. My mistake. Wérunos is related to the Sanskrit Varuṇa / Greek Ouranos / Latin Uranus
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