Наша 8 годовщина свадьбы. My Everything. Композитор и исполнитель Питер Гроблер

You are my Everything (by Pieter Grobler) I remember how you looked on that first day When I saw you turn and look my way In that first moment when I looked into your heart I loved you and I knew we’d never part You reached inside to heal my broken heart You gave me all your love right from the start You brought me hope when I thought that I was done You shone your lovelight on me like the sun You, you are my muse, the reason why I sing You, you are my love, my life, my light My everything And every day I fall in love with you Taken by those little things you do You complete me like it’s meant to be And this is clear for everyone to see In that first moment when I looked into your heart I loved you and I knew we’d never part And here we are on our glorious wedding day Please allow me one more time to say You, you are my muse, the reason why I sing You, you are my love, my life, my light My everything A
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