Presidential Campaign Ads Compilation | 1952 - 1996

-------------------- Presidential Campaign Ads | 1952 - 1996 --------------------- Political advertising has changed drastically over the last several decades. In his campaign for the 1948 United States presidential election, Harry S. Truman was proud of his accomplishment of shaking approximately 500,000 hands and covering 31,000 miles of ground across the nation. But that accomplishment was soon to pale in comparison when in 1952, the 1952 United States presidential election saw a major change in how candidates reached their potential audiences. With the advent of television, war hero and presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower created forty twenty-second television spot commercials entitled, “Eisenhower Answers America“ where he answered questions from “ordinary“ citizens in an attempt to appear accessible to “the common man“. These questions were filmed in one day using visitors to Radio City Music Hall, who were filmed gazing up at Eisenhower as he answered questions about the Korean War, government corruption, and the state of the economy. He did not have to shake half a million hands or travel the country extensively. He won the trust of the American people with his direct approach and subsequently the Presidential election. Since then, for some decades TV commercial ads played a major role in American elections. There were memorable ads like; “I Like Ike“, “Kennedy for me“, “Nixon Now More Than Ever“ aka “Nixon Now“, “It’s Morning Again in America” and the most controversial commercial, perhaps of all time, One time aired “The Daisy Girl.“ etc. In modern times, elections have not only been manipulated by campaign ads, but by other factors as well. Social media has been one of the biggest components of what makes up modern campaigns. Here is a video showing; Presidential Campaign Ads Compilation | 1952 - 1996 Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel... ;-)
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