10 Tips from David Fincher on how he directed Fight Club and The Social Network
David Fincher Mank Interview Commentary on Directing and Screenwriting we go Behind the Scenes and lessons from the screenplay of his movies Se7en, Mank, Alien 3, Zodiac, Fight Club, The Social Network, Panic Room and Gone Girl with Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.
He was also a director for Netflix tv series Mindhunter and House of Cards. He directed numerous films, commercials and music videos, most notably for Madonna Express Yourself and Vogue music video and the famous Gap commercial. He is known for his psychological thrillers, his films have received thirty nominations at the Academy Awards including two for him as Best Director Oscar nominations. His latest film Mank is a film about screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz and his development of the script for Citizen Kane based on a screenplay by his late father Jack Fincher.
What is your favorite David Fincher film?
Which writer/director would you like to see next?
Let us know in the comments👇
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