10 Apocalyptic Moments in Music

Hello, and happy Easter! I didn’t include Scriabin’s Mysterium in this video because I am not sufficiently familiar with that work to pass judgement as of yet - but consider it a honourable mention! 0:00 Exhibit 1: Hungarian Rhapsody 15 by Franz Liszt (P.f. Vladimir Horowitz) 1:22 Exhibit 2: Vers La Flamme by Alexander Scriabin (P.f. Alexander Kobrin) 2:48 Exhibit 3: Symphony 2 Finale Climax by Gustav Mahler (Cond. Leonard Bernstein) 5:58 Exhibit 4: Sonata in B minor (recorded live, 2012) by Franz Liszt (P.f. Ivo Pogoreilich) 8:12 Exhibit 5: Quartet for the End Of Time Mov. 5 “Louange à l’Éternité de Jésus“ by Olivier Messiaen 10:17 Exhibit 6: Makrokosmos 1 Spiral Galaxy by George Crumb (P.f.
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