3.2 - Dark Mofo

3.2 by at Dark Mofo, Hobart, Tasmania, June 2021 Our first experience of a complete remotely produced large-scale installation. The whole setting up went surprisingly smooth without any issue thanks to the highly professional Dark Mofo crew. The entire audiovisual content was produced before real setting up - we spent two weeks in a warehouse in Saint Petersburg with a similar sound system, full tables of modular synthesizers, and visualizer. It was a new experience for us - never had the ability to deeply focus on sound and light for such a large-scale setup rather than counting hours before running the show. So great thanks to Dark Mofo for believing in us! And great thanks to our local friends for tech support during the preparation of the content: Sevcabeelport, СЕТАП, Tokimprovisation 3.2 light and sound installation Algorithmic light patterns with a sound of modular synthesizers Dimensions: 60x24x5 m Concept, light, and sound by @ Cur
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