Echo chambers & Filter bubbles | New Forward | YouTube Version

In recent years, these concepts has become widespread and well known in, so to speak, relatively narrow circles. And if you know well what it is all about, it may be you who this term could be applied to in the first place. Supposing this expression is new to you, it is even more so. To a particular extent, all people are in the echo chamber. In life, we interact with people whose lifestyle, tastes, and idea of the world are in tune with ours. It’s more comfortable for us to live this way. And we watch about the same movies, listen to the same music, watch the same news channels on television or YouTube. And we are very surprised and indignant when, for example, the election results turn out to be completely different from what they should be, because we are normal people and we are forced to live among abnormal people who are locked in an echo chamber and they are very comfortable living in this cell. Because faith and logic are incompatible. That’s why I try never to argue. It’s fun and easy to join a centuries old echo chamber about how lazy, servile and cowardly we’ve all become, but the facts are that this country. is still full of brilliant, productive, and innovative people. And not everyone has left or been put to a chamber in prison yet.
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