RailClone 3ds max. Chapter 2.5. Final chapter. Only RU

RailClone plugin tutorial series. Final video. Friends, I decided to close this series and this is the last tutorial about this plugin. Since I want to focus my attention on other important topics. The first two minutes - I already managed to do the editing and voice acting, and then - I left it as it is. Still, it’s a pity to throw out the work done. Moreover, it was recorded on September 23, 2018. I talked about this in this video - Yes, I do not deny that I had a strong interest in this plugin and planned to record a lot of material, but now I understand that I simply cannot cope with this task, since, firstly, I am not interested in this anymore, but second, there are other, more important lessons - which I want to record. I think you noticed from the content of the channel that I was interested in a lot of things and I recorded many different topics. Now I understand that in this way - I’ll just have a bunch of started material and never finish anything =) Moreover, the t
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