Two Hours of Music - Hua Guofeng

“凡是毛主席作出的决策,我们都坚决维护;凡是毛主席的指示,我们都始终不渝地遵循。” ——华国锋主席 “We will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairman Mao made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Mao gave.“ —Chairman Hua Guofeng 0:00 继续革命的战歌 (War Song of Continuing Revolution) 0:47 歌唱社会主义祖国 (Ode to the Socialist Motherland) 4:15 歌唱华主席 (Ode to Chairman Hua) 7:09 英明的领袖华主席 (Wise Leader Chairman Hua) 11:04 歌唱敬爱的华主席 (Ode to the Beloved Chairman Hua) 15:37 万众拥护华主席 (Everyone Supports Chairman Hua) 16:58 华主席率领我们奔向胜利前方 (Chairman Hua Leads Us Towards Victory) 19:04 紧密地团结在党中央周围 (Unite Closely Around the Party Central Committee) 21:15 在以华主席为首的党中央周围团结起来 (Unite Around the Party Central Committee Led by Chairman Hua) 23:00 紧密团结在以华国锋主席为首的党中央周围 (Unite Closely Around the Party Central Committee Led by Chairman Hua Guofeng) 24:43 华主席领导真正好 (Chairman Hua’s Leadership is Great) 25:51 英明领袖华国锋 (Wise Leader Hua Guofeng) 27:30 人民&
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