1 Simple Drill To Increase Your Jump & Speed - Tapp Brothers

1 Simple Drill To Increase Your Jump & Speed Pick up your free 5-day parkour course here - In this video we share with you a simple drill that will help increase your jump and speed. In parkour and freerunning or pretty much any athletic discipline we train, having speed and hops will help. My brother and I have been fascinated with gaining speed and increasing our jump for a long time. You maybe looking to gain height in your jump to jump further for your precisions, broad jumps, or perform a backflip. You maybe looking to gain speed to perform parkour much faster and effortlessly glide through the obstacles in your environment. Imagine just a few months from now having that extra speed and extra jump to perform those precision jumps and flips we want to learn. This drill is going to help. This is drill is very simple but also very effective. We trained this often in track and soccer and saw great results. See to get higher with our jumps and increase ou
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