Anamorphic Cinema Lenses vs Consumer Lenses - Anamorphic Cookbook - Module 2 Chapter 02

Join the channel! Unlock the Anamorphic Cookbook: This video is sponsored by Atlas Lens Co. Check out my Anamorphic Guides! #AskMeAnamorphic - send away your questions! Let’s dive into the early days of the anamorphic format and some of the key moments in the evolution of the technology for our beloved lenses. 00:00 - Intro 00:34 - Cinema Standards!? 02:45 - Lower Budget, Lower Standards 04:48 - Effects on Performance References 1 - Adorama: What is a Cine Lens and how is it different from a Photo Lens - 2 - Panavision: The Aesthetics of Anamorphic - Caldwell Chameleon - P S Technik - Glaswerk - The “Anamorphic on a Budget“ guide can be found at: http://tferrad
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