number one kung fu style / baji quan 八极拳 / interal kung fu style

***number one kung fu style / baji quan 八极拳 / interal kung fu style*** this video telling why ba ji quan is the number one kung fu style . we are presenting you ba ji quan form ( tao lu ) combo 5 and combo 6 , all in the ba ji quan for beginners step by step part 3 . 八极拳套路攻防含义 , 八极拳基本功 , 八极拳历史 , 八极拳 。 ba ji quan is interal style of chinese traditional kung fu , very powerful and useful form for real application and very enjoynable to watch . enjoy the ba ji quan part 2 , also si si jj will make an other ba ji quan at home of verbal version with more details , you may check both videos to acheive your ba ji quan quicker . when the king of qian long went shaolin temple , he saw both tai chi quan and ba ji quan , he is impressed by both amazong kung fu style , and said , only tai chi quan and
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