Gerard van Honthorst Paintings

Gerard van Honthorst (Gerrit van Honthorst) (4 November 1590 – 27 April 1656) was a Dutch Golden Age painter. Early in his career he visited Rome, where he had great success painting in a style influenced by Caravaggio. Following his return to the Netherlands he became a leading portrait painter. Gerard van Honthorst ou Gerrit van Honthorst (4 de Novembro de 1592 (422 anos) – 27 de abril de 1656) foi um pintor holandês. Ге́ррит ван Хо́нтхорст (нидерл. Gerrit van Honthorst, 4 ноября 1590, Утрехт — 27 апрел
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