Elite Dangerous Odyssey How to unlock Domino Green and Kit Fowler | Suit Engineers

Elite Dangerous Odyssey How to unlock Domino Green and Kit Fowler | Suit Engineers Domino Green is an Engineer who specialises in “Strategic“ Suit and Handheld Weapon modifications. Her workshop is The Jackrabbit, located in the Orishis system. Gaining access to Domino Green, Suit engineer is quite easy and is one of the first engineer ins Odyssey that you can gain access to with 5 units of ’push’ however you can then gain access to another engineer Kit fowler. Orphaned at the age of seven, Domino was placed in a public relations initiative by the Rockforth Corporation; the company housed and educated her, but expected her to work for Rockforth as an adult. While displaying a prodigious talent for technology, she also lacked discipline and proved highly irreverent. She was dismissed as a poor investment and now operates a workshop established with her family inheritance Read more about Domino Green
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