How not to create watercolor mud. It is easy to avoid creating mud once you know what causes it.

Mud, when talking about watercolor painting refers to a section of the painting which is not smooth and transparent looking. Instead, it looks dull and lifeless. If the paint is not allowed to flow on the paper, you will not see the colors softly merge with one another, which is one of watercolor’s beautiful qualities. My PATREON MEMBERSHIP PAGE: - in addition to ad-free content you get exclusive content (new videos will be more in depth than those on my YouTube channel), hi-resolution reference photos, photos of my finished painting, and drawing outlines where available. Other benefits are also included. My teaching manual: Mastering Watercolors - A Practical Guide: In a clean wash, the paint is allowed to settle on the paper, and to dry before being disturbed. In the muddy wash, the watercolor paint is kept moving around while nearly at the dry stage. This often happens when beginner artists mix insufficient paint and must try to
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