Free Assange | In the name of press freedom | Geneva Press Club

At the invitation of the Geneva Press Club, Swiss and international organizations of journalists and publishers as well as editors-in-chief are calling with one voice for the release of Julian Assange, in the name of press freedom. A broad-based coalition of journalists and media organizations has been formed after the British government authorized the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder to the United States on June 17, where he faces 175 years in prison, in flagrant violation of human rights and in total disregard of press freedom. The Geneva coalition, which is joined by journalistic organizations from many other countries, is calling directly on the British and American authorities. It also asks the Swiss authorities, in the name of freedom of the press and human rights, to intervene to ensure that Julian Assange finds refuge in Switzerland or elsewhere. Beyond the human aspects and the violation of human rights dear to Geneva, the case of Julian Assange constitutes a major issue for the future of
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