“De Markies” (The Awning) was a 1985 entry in the “Temporary Living” competition. It was conceived as a mobile home. On the road, it measures just metres x metres, But once at its destination, the floor-space is increased 300% in a matter of seconds. It offers multiple ‘rooms’ giving occupants some ‘personal space’. In fact, we say it takes the concept of caravan living to a whole new level!
“De Markies” was awarded the Public Prize at the Rotterdam Design Prize 1996 yet strangely, it appears to have never gone into production. With the development of so many new polymers and composites over the last decade, it would appear to us that any technical challenges that may have existed are probably now moot.
The maximum allowable width and length of a ‘towable’ van in Australia is 2.5 metres by 12.5 metres. That’s a significant 31 m2 (337 sq. ft.). Now treble that with the ‘De Markies’ design and you have a real home – without a single building or planning permit.
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