This is what I call a good dough! #food

Hi. Today I’m going to show you a very elastic pie dough recipe without yeast! I got this method of making the pie from my mother, who, together with her grandmother, spread the dough on a long table, and made “Flower, or dancing pies - that’s what we called them“ pies, which didn’t even cool, because they’ve already been eaten by us😁. Recipe for the dough (1 portion) 350 g of flour - preferably type 00, but you can also use other types. 170 ml of very hot boiled water! 1 egg 2 tablespoons of oil 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar Sift the flour, add water little by little, mixing with a spoon (because the water is hot). Add salt, egg, oil and vinegar and knead a soft, elastic dough. Grease the dough with oil and let it rest for 1-1:30 hours. After that, the dough is ready to be rolled out and used for pies. Meanwhile prepare the filling. I used a mix of ricotta (1 kg) 200 g of salty feta cheese green onion tails green dill and 2 eggs, salt to
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