Prophecy Timeline Part 7. Scoffer or Believer of God, the Choice is Yours.

Prophecy Timeline Part 7. Scoffer or Believer of God, the Choice is Yours. The last days are characterized by a vast majority of people “aware of God” but going about their lives rejecting Christ’s Return. 2 Pet 3:3 …in the last days scoffers saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. These Scoffer are OPPOSED to a 2nd small group of Believers 2 Pet 3:1 … stir up your pure minds … that you may be mindful of the wordsof the holy prophets, and of the commandment of the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: Subscribe for further definitions of these believers. Please like and subscribe for more about in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible Strong’s Concordance. FREE O
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