Feralas – Music & Ambience – World of Warcraft

Feralas is a trackless wilderness of uncharted rainforest, with practically every inch of it under control of ogres. Unlike its barren neighbors to the north, south, and east, it’s a lush jungle. Both the Horde and Alliance lay claim to the area and have to contend with powerful local forces. These include the bloodthirsty Gordunni ogres who control a number of scattered ancient elven ruins, including the vast ruined city now known as Dire Maul. The ogres have desecrated and defiled much of Feralas, damaging the land with their taint. The Horde in particular is concerned with the unchecked expansion of the Gordunni and has put out a call for adventurers to aid the war effort against them. Feralas is also home to a number of Woodpaw gnolls and Grimtotem tauren, members of which are hunted by order of Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar. The far western islands are crawling with naga and recently several silithid hives have been spotted. Feralas is also the location of one of the four Great Trees leading to the Emera
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