Fa Cup 3rd Round - Tooting & Mitcham V Notts Forest (1959)

Titles read: “FA CUP 3RD ROUND - TOOTING & MITCHAM V NOTTS FOREST“. Mitcham, Surrey. Football captains John Harlow of Tooting (striped shirt) and Jack Burkitt of Nottingham toss coin at start of match. There is snow on the pitch. Tooting kick off; various shots of play between Paddy Hasty (Tooting and Mitcham), Alan Viney (Tooting), Ted Murphy (Tooting), Tommy Wilson (Forest) and Tooting goalkeeper Ray Secker (Tooting). More shots of match. Crowd cheers. Players John Quigley (Forest), Harlow (Tooting), Viney (Tooting), Jack Burkitt (Forest) and Billy Gray (Forest) are involved. Albert Grainger scores first goal for Tooting past Chick Thomson. People cheering. Ted Murphy scores another goal for Tooting. Forest kick off for second half. Players Wilson (Forest), Gray (Forest), Quigley (Forest) and Roy Dwight (Forest; cousin of Elton John) involved. C/U of three “Andy Caps“ in crowd. More shots of match; players Dwight, Wilson (Forest), Brian Bennett, Secker (Tooting), Bill Whare and Burkitt (Fores
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