Man Ray: Prophet of the Avant-Garde (1999 documentary)

As part of the PBS American Masters series, Man Ray: Prophet of the Avant-Garde covers the life and artwork of this innovative modern artist with both clips of interviews and archival footage of the times he lived in. Born in Brooklyn as Emanuel Radnitsky, he grew discouraged by the New York art world of the early 1900s, changed his name to Man Ray, and moved to Paris. He was embraced by the Dadaists, many of whom later became Surrealists. Although painting was his main love, he took up photography, making portraits of famous people such as Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, and Henri Matisse. He developed a new technique, the rayograph, in which he placed objects directly onto paper and exposed them to light. He even made an avant-garde film with this technique. Whether creating Dada sculptures, such as his famous iron with a row of tacks enigmatically entitled Le Cadeau, The Gift, innovative photographs, films, or sculptures, Man Ray always managed to surprise. In order to earn a living, he turned fashion photo
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