Operation Stealth (AKA James Bond: The Stealth Affair) Longplay (Amiga)

Developed by Delphine Software and published by Interplay Productions in 1990. I did this longplay at the request of a friend, so I’d never seen or heard of this game prior to doing the video. Before Delphine went on to achieve international recognition with Another World and Flashback, it developed this point-and-click adventure game and was heavily influenced by Ian Fleming’s famous creation, James Bond. In fact, this game is also know as “James Bond - The Stealth Affair“, where the player controls the famous spy. However, this version removes all references to Bond (possibly due to licensing issues), renaming the character to “John Glames“ instead. Although I had originally set out to record the James Bond version, a longplay for that version already exists. After playing Operation Stealth, I was surprised to find that this version made use of speech synthesis to provide voice overs in a very similar style to the games produced by Lankhor. Regardless of which version you play, the story is identical.
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